Tuesday, March 18, 2008

define maintainable

Here's a John Lam quote at the end of here:
Finally, why should .NET developers bother with Ruby? According to Lam: "You spend less time writing software than you spend maintaining software. Optimizing for writing software versus maintaining software is probably the wrong thing to do. Static typing makes it harder to maintain software because it's harder to change it."
What makes this quote so noteworthy is how its definition of the word "maintainable" is apparently different from the definition used by static typing proponents. They would say that static typing makes it easier to maintain software because the static types document the code (some people might even characterize static types as metadata), enable additional checking of the code by the compiler, enable automatic refactoring, and generally make code easier to read/optimize/execute at the expense of making it harder to write.

The static typing cheerleaders allege that dynamic typing optimizes for writing software versus maintaining software. But based on this quote from John Lam, dynamic typing cheerleaders allege the same against static typing.

Does "maintainable" refer to preserving maximum code flexibility, or does it refer to preserving maximum code clarity (by static types, low dynamism, simple concepts)? The answer is both. Flexibility and clarity are just one of the design trade-offs canny developers mull every day.

UPDATE: I feel obligated to comment on the linked article title. "No Borg-like release train for Ruby on .Net" doesn't make any sense. Borg have no releases! Borg assimilate. I know that it's a Register-related website and the chances are good that readers know that "Borg" is a tee-hee term for (the non-open-source portions of?) Microsoft, but c'mon, at least don't use the Borg label when it isn't appropriate.

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